So before I continue, I think I'll throw out a couple definitions of basic wrestling lingo, just in case. I figure anything further than this can probably be explained in the context of a given blog entry, but here are a few basics at least:
heel - 'bad guy' or villianous wrestler
face or babyface - 'good guy' or hero wrestler
heat - a strong negative reaction from a crowd
pop - a strong round of applause or positive reaction from a crowd
angle - as explained above, the storylines behind why specific wrestlers are fighting
face turn/heel turn - a character changing from good to bad, or vice versa
bump - a part of a match where a wrestler falls or otherwise puts himself in harm's way (ie - he took tons of crazy bumps in that match)
shoot - anytime a wrestler breaks character and does something completely legitimate, be it speaking as himself in an interview, or accidentally injuring his opponent
work - anything in wrestling that is scripted. The vast majority of what goes on in pro wrestling is "a work" or "worked"
stiff - a wrestler who is so real in the ring, he tends to genuinely inflict pain on his opponent, or an exceptionally rough move (ie - man, he really stiffed him). OR could be a term for a crappy, slow wrestler with no fluidity
workrate - used to describe the realism/quality of an individual wrestler's performances
swerve - when an angle appears to be going in a very specific direction, then goes the complete opposite way suddenly and unexpectedly (I think this one makes more sense when used/seen in context)
I THINK that about covers it. Anything else, I'll explain as I go.
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